Who Is Ready for A PARADE??
We have some promising NEWS for 2021!!!
IF parades are allowed to take place as part of the State of Massachusetts
reopening plan by Sept 2021, continuing on with what has become a wonderful
Cape Cod tradition, The 16th annual Cape Cod St Patrick’s Parade will take place on Saturday Sept 18, 2021-
Tell your friends and family to SAVE THE DATE.
As always, there will be lots of excitement and plenty of surprises in store for you!
Please continue to check our Facebook page or website for more details and updates as
we get closer to Parade Day 2021.
We Look forward to seeing ALL of you wearing your green along the (slightly
warmer) parade route in September 2021-
May your day be touched by a bit of Irish Luck, brightened by a song in your Heart and warmed by the smiles of the people you love
Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2021 !!
Stay Safe & Thank you for your continued support!
The Cape Cod St Patrick’s Parade Committee
Desmond Keogh- Chairman